As of this very moment it is 10:53 P.M 12/31/2013.

I never make new years resolutions, however now that I am twenty years old and consider myself an actual adult I decided, hey why not?
They are not resolutions, because I feel that people just get so caught up in that aspect of the new year and that is something I will not do.
however, there are some things that I wouldn't mind improving on and why not start off fresh in 2014?
Most important:
- Talking to & improving my relationship with the Lord.
Also, I want to incorporate the following into my everyday life:
- Listen...really listen.
- Be as open as possible.
- Make peace with my past.
- I want to forgive, forgive, forgive those who have wronged me.
- I will let my mouth be ruled by the law of kindness.
- I will take responsibility for my actions.
- I will
NOTwaste time fighting for things I cannot change. - Work on bettering myself as a young woman. Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.
Hope you all are having a wonderful new years eve! It's 11:17 here. (Once I typed everything above up) So technically it is still 2013, however I know it's 2014 somewhere so with that said I hope you brought it in right!
That is all for the night. Be Well!